Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Artist Statement

Catherine Laura Smith has focused her second year on fashion photography. For the location documentary project she took Shakespeare a timeless storyteller and all of his beautiful imagery and modernised them by adding a fashion trend twist.

The idea of using all female models is making a statement about today’s society becoming gradually dominated by women; a parallel to Shakespearian England a time where male actors played the parts of both men and women.
Titania and her Bottom

Richard III
Fresh snow on a Raven's back

Viola shipwrecked on an exotic shore

Ophelia drowing for love
Valentine tunes his woes to the nightingale
Catherine's end magazine, has a modern yet whimsical and fairytale approach to Shakespeare. allowing the viewer to look at Shakespeare in a different and interesting way. The timeless storyteller, who maybe lost contact with the younger generation can now be reconnected through Catherine's fashion approach to depicting his wonderful imagery.

Catherine's work bears reference to the hyperreal, as the images are presenting the viewer with a fantasy world, where ravens can be people and where fairy princesses fall in love with donkey's. Some or Shakspeare's plays do have a hyperreality within them but Catherine takes this a step further with the extreme styling. The way in which Catherine has presented this is in a magazine format which again has references to the fairytale books we may have read as a child. the few words contextualise the image, and leave the rest up to the photograph and the viewer's imagination.

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